Monday, January 25, 2010

A perfect day

We had such a good day today. The babies were so happy and they are getting to be so much fun. Harper will squeal with delight when she does her little "workout" with Papa or I. Ava talked to me, telling me a very long, sad story when I was trying to get her to take a nap. They really like to play now, and are grasping at toys, although a lot of the time they end up bonking themselves in the face with whatever they've got ahold of. If they are lying too close to each other, they reach out and grab each others hands or ears. I put on the TeleTubbie tape again today for Harper, but it was at the end and the TV came back on, and I found that she seems to like The View just as much as the Tubbies. Papa said he thought she also really liked Hot Pursuit (which is a cop show about police chases).

We took them outside in Rielee's red wagon and pulled them around a little bit. They weren't very comfortable at first but once they settled in, they relaxed and even started to doze off. Rielee was happy to get out and swing at the playfort. I took some pictures of them, once again almost stumping myself taking individual pictures. I can't tell them apart. When we took them back today, Kelly thought she was talking to Ava and it was Harper, so it happens to all of us. They are so much alike in little things, too, like today, Ava found her tongue, and played with it all day, most of the pictures I took of her this morning, she had her tongue out or was chewing on it. Then this afternoon, Harper started the same thing. They both seem to have the same tooth coming in on top, too. Charb said he thinks that Harper has Reba McEntyre (I think I spelled that wrong) ears, though I think Ava's are the same, she is just bigger so it doesn't look quite the same.

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