Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Will got a technical?!

The first picture of the twins was taken just as we told them that Will got a technical foul in his game against Ridgefield last night. Ava said "REALLY!" and Harper said "No way, not Will, I don't believe it!"...then they asked if the rumor they heard was true that he first cussed at another player and then slapped the Ref when he called the foul on him. I told them, no, Papa started that rumor, he didn't really do anything wrong, just the Ref making a weird call about him staying out of bounds after he threw the ball in or something...but it does make a good story.
Rielee was my helper today as I bathed Ava & Harper. She wanted to help undress Harper, but when it came to pulling off her clothes, she was afraid she might hurt her, so she just unsnapped everything for me, and took the pictures also. Papa took her to McDonald's for lunch so she could get some chipmunks, but that was sort of a bust. Somehow, they thought they asked for different chipmunks, but ended up with 3 Theodores. So she kept 2 -" twin Theodores" and will try to exchange the other one. Oh, and they also managed to come home without any milk for her or drinks for us in the Happy Meals. We never go to McDonalds so Papa was out of his element, I guess.

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