Friday, December 13, 2013

Tree Farm field trip

Harper sat with Teagan
and Ava sat with Boden on the bus ride out to Ferncrest Tree Farm.
They got to pet goats and sheep and there were also reindeer, a Shetland pony, llamas and other animals to see.  It was very cold out with some snow still in spots. 

Harper petted a goat's nose through the fence, but she didn't want to go inside and mostly just wanted to go home. 

It was quite a hike to the Douglas fir section and a difficult decision for the kid's to pick out just the right tree, they went from one to another to another...Papa did the cutting for both classes' trees. 

The kids helped the teachers carry the tree to the director's pickup.  It was comical after Papa put the tree in the truck, he went to jump out over the side, except this truck was much bigger and higher than his and he landed hard, lost his balance and almost launched himself over the hillside, fortunately his fall was stopped by a tree.  I had to laugh when he came out with fir needles stuck in his hair.

The kids warmed up with donut holes and hot chocolate in the gift shop afterwards.
On the bus ride home Ava and Harper were very animated talking to the boys, Harper said they were telling jokes.  I asked what kind and she said "like what if my eyeball fell off and landed in my mouth, that would be so gross!" and they cracked up laughing. 

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