Sunday, December 29, 2013

A weekend of little girls

watching a movie by flashlight
 Ava and Harper spent Saturday and Sunday night with us.  Rielee came over to play Saturday but couldn't stay over since they were leaving early Sunday to go skiing.  They played games and Barbies and she brought the Despicable Me II movie she got for Christmas for them to watch. Then they all went over to play at her house until bedtime. 
 Lately I've noticed at bedtime that the girls will be studying and playing with their fingers.  I asked Ava what she was doing and she said "finger games" and that her fingers were a girl and a "honey" (boy) and they were going on a date.  Later I noticed that Harper was doing the same thing, although in a more animated way, she said her fingers were kids running around all over the place and also called it "finger games".
pointing out the holes
 Ava was upset this morning when she noticed that her favorite blanket had a couple of holes in it.   I had to get my sewing machine out right away and mend it, although she told me that Grandma Barb had a machine, too, and she would fix it if I couldn't.  She was worried about her blanket.

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