Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Emmy and Parker

Emmy is back home, done with volleyball and college and ready to go to work after the holidays.
Getting a picture of her and the twins was nearly impossible.  Ava was busy cooking and didn't want to stop, Harper was busy with Play Doh, a candy bribe finally brought them around, Harper cooperated first which is why she has her Skittles in the picture, and then she waved to me, so silly.  Ava held out and we thought we might just have a picture of Em and Harper, but she finally gave in.
Parker didn't have school today, the furnace was being repaired, so he came over to do yardwork for me.  He came in afterwards to visit and eat and sat down with Ava while she looked through the Macys ad for Christmas pictures.  He kept trying to tickle her and she would get aggravated and she told him that sometimes Luke bugs her, too.

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