Tuesday, December 10, 2013

More snow, no school

Rielee and Kitty
A picture of Rielee and her kitten from the other day, she had brought her over to visit us.  The scratch under Rielee's eye is from Kitty, she is a rambunctious little companion.
Ava got up at 4:30 this morning, Harper 6:10, they were coughing some but both went back to sleep until Rielee came over at 7:30.  It was a snow day today so it was play time for the 3 cousins.  They put on a show, did some crafts which resulted in a painting "incident" where Harper suddenly couldn't find her paint pot...because it was upside down on the rug...Harper played Barbies and Ava took a bath while I steam cleaned the green paint out of the rug.   Afterwards,  Laury and Auna came over to visit and we got the donut maker out since I had promised Harper we would bake something today.  It was a busy but fun day.

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