Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New kitchen/Auna's basketball

We had a busy, fun afternoon.  Just as we got home from pre-school, the new kitchen I ordered for the kids on Black Friday was delivered.  What a bunch of squealing as we brought it in the house!  Of course, they were gung ho to play with it and kept trying to cook and set things up while Papa was trying to put it together.  Things kept falling on his head but he had to laugh about it.
As soon as the kitchen was done, Ava announced she was having a birthday party for Yawning Baby, who was turning 2 years old.
 They were very happy with the kitchen, but of course the box it came in was great entertainment, too.
 Ava said it was too dark inside, so Papa added a window. 
 And also a hole in the top so they could sit in the chair, too funny!
Auna, shooting the foul shot, had a game in LaCenter so we went to watch after we dropped off the girls.  They lost but Auna had a good game, she got in foul trouble early though and had to sit out quite a bit.

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