Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve

Harper and Ava in a "sister hug"
Charb, Kelly and the twins came to our house early Christmas Eve. 
 The girls were excited to open gifts and were happy with the Barbie house.
 They started right in playing with it.  There was a little protesting when it was time for Dad to load it in the car until they realized they had another party to go to.
 At Dan and Robin's, Rielee sat on Santa's lap first, but the closest Harper and Ava would get
 was sitting beside him on Mom's lap
and then Ava was afraid to even look at him!
But they were sure thrilled with the Princess Babies they got from Santa!

Cousin poses - Macee, Emmy, Tierney
Parker and Auna
and all the cousins, many so grown up now!  We had a wonderful time, as usual, great food, another fun gift exchange, and the company of  a  loving family.  What more can you ask for?

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