Friday, December 20, 2013

Preschool Christmas Program

One is for the manger where Baby Jesus lay.
Two is for Mary and Joseph on that Christmas Day.
Three is for the wise men who brought three gifts of love.
Four is for the shepherds and angel songs above.
Five is for the animals who stood guard in the shed
Over Baby Jesus in his Manger bed.
While the Preschool Director read the poem above, the children came out dressed in character.  Ava was Mary,
Harper was an angel.  It was very sweet.
Then they recited a Bible verse and sang 4 songs, they did a great job,  Harper was very animated.
They had cupcakes afterwards with fellow twins Alysha and Shayla.  They also got presents and brought home ornaments they had made.
Great-Grandma Cookie came to watch, the girls were so happy she was there.
Tonight we went to a party at Des and Gabe's, a Christmas reunion for Macee, Maddie, Tierney, Kenzi and their parents.   Rielee posed with Kitty, the dress-wearing cat. 

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