Monday, August 27, 2012

Treehouse move/girls playing school

 Sunday - Gabe, Parker and Papa moved the treehouse, a job made pretty easy with the old boom truck. 
 They loaded it on the trailer and hauled it over beside their garage so they can make a few changes to it, and then give it a new and hopefully somewhat lower to the ground home on their property. 
 Parker and Gabe got right to work on it, finishing the walls inside.  Parker has plans to put up a shelf in the corner to hold a small TV, then run cable to it, extend the roof to cover the porch, and add a deck around it. 
With all the talk of Rielee starting school on Wednesday, I suggested they play "school".  Rielee read several books to the twins, and then Harper took a turn at being the teacher.  She pointed at different animals in a book and  asked Rielee and Ava to name them.  Later in the evening, Ava and Harper were playing school again, except it was a dance school.  Ava would instruct Harper to do different dance moves and Harper would do them, it was really comical.

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