Saturday, August 25, 2012

A day with Parker

 Papa picked up Parker after his morning football practice and after he got cleaned up they rode the scooter into town.  I was in town garage sale-ing so we met at the Masthead for lunch, where Parker had the "best mushroom burger ever".  Afterwards they went over to the Unique Tin car show at the fairgrounds.  Parker said he saw several "sweet rides" there, and Papa took a picture of him in front of an Army jeep they both liked.
Parker got to ride the scooter around a little
They stopped at a few garage sales on the way home and also went to the junk store in Castle Rock.  It is Parker's newest favorite place, he begged me to take him back down there later in the afternoon so he could look around again, he ended up buying an old Army officer's pin for $4.  After that we rented the newer Longest Yard movie after not being able to find the original one.  It was pretty good.  Then after he and Papa did some mowing we read some of Artemis Fowl, the book the kid's have to read over the summer, and made an ice cream cone run, which included questions from Parker such as "what is your favorite gas station, Grandma?"  He's a fun kid.

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