Thursday, August 30, 2012

James football/twins sunglasses

Wow, time goes so, so fast.  Seems like it was just yesterday that I started taking care of James...
and he was a month old,  
James rolling out for a pass
and now he is a freshman in high school, the starting quarterback on his team at Mark Morris!  They lost a tough game to Kelso tonight but James played well.  It was so fun to see him out there, even though he took some very hard hits, I don't like seeing that.  He also played linebacker and punts, too. 
It was so sunny this afternoon that Ava ran insde to get her sunglasses and brought a pair of Rielee's out for Harper to wear,  they wanted popsicles but didn't eat much of them.  After a 3 hour nap they were in great moods.

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