Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Zoo trip

Ava and Harper got a kick out of the sea otters.
 Ava and Harper spent the night and woke up this morning all rested and happy, so we decided it was a perfect day to take them and Rielee to the zoo. 
 They really liked the elephants, and were very impressed by their poop, too!  They also liked the sea lion, polar bear and the big ocean fish, the giraffes, mountain goat, tigers and black bear. 
 Ava and Harper liked the zoo train ride best of all.  No carseats, they could climb back and forth over the seat to sit with Papa or I, they were thrilled by it.  When the train went by people, they both waved little expert parade waves to them. There was a set of identical 2 year old twin girls sitting behind us,  Ava and Harper noticed them and said "hi twins" and waved to them.  Rielee was kind of bored by the train ride, she thought she would see all the animals but there were only a few glimpses of them. 
"I see my sister!"
Our last stop was the gift shop where Harper bought a light up bubble gun for her souvenir, Rielee bought a little parrot and Ava got a kitty, and they got zoo cups, too.  It was a very fun day.

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