Monday, August 6, 2012

Parker, Riels, Auna

 Parker spent last night with us.  He and I couldn't agree on what to watch on TV, I wanted the Olympics, he wanted golf, no! Or Pawn Stars, so we watched some of both, but no golf.
We spent the morning playing an Olympic volleyball tournament, in the house, with the beach ball.  Rielee was very serious about it,  she and Auna made medals for the winners.  First it was just going to be the 3 of us playing, but then Parker wanted to play, too.  Auna won the gold, Rielee silver, I got the bronze.  Parker received several yellow cards for various rule violations (he was Auna's coach for the championship game) and almost got tossed out of the tournament!  It was fun, but the silver medalist was kind of disappointed afterwards, so we headed to the pool.
The kids jumped in while I took pictures, over and over,
 as they tried to land on the tube,
 Rielee landed this one perfectly, and then they did one last crazy jump for me, it was a fun pool session.

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