Thursday, August 2, 2012

 Ava and Harper came up to stay with us today.   They were on the go from the minute they got here, asking about a million times when they could go to Rielee's big pool.  They were mostly content to float around on the mattresses but then Ava wanted to try on Rielee's goggles and she let me put her in the water a little.  Harper tried it, too, but not for long since the water was kind of chilly.
 I had a moment of panic today when Harper woke up from her nap with a wad of gum stuck in her hair, right in the front.   It would have looked really bad to have had to cut it out, and I had visions of her at their birthday party on Saturday with a big bald spot, but after a Google search we found that peanut butter works to remove it.  Whew! Her hair smelled really tasty afterwards, too.
They did some pea picking in the evening.  They wanted to go out by themselves, (now that they are 3 and "big girls", we heard a lot about that today) and would run out, pick one pod, bring it in and eat the peas, then run out and get another one, over and over.  Finally, they took containers with them and picked several at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Their hair is getting so blonde!!

    Happy Birthday Week, little cuties!

    Jeff and Megan V.
