Monday, August 13, 2012

 We had such happy faces this morning for breakfast, everyone was up early to see Ava and Harper.  Then they headed outside to play at the playfort.  Harper was driving her "car", taking everyone for a ride, she kept yelling "all aboard" and was pretty surprised when Uncle Alan came onboard.
 After they were done at the playfort, it was hot enough to go to the pool.
 Papa got the girls this little boat to play with, they really got a kick out of it.
 Ava wanted the floaties on and jumped in to me over and over.  She was really comfortable floating around, but wanted me holding on to her.  She is frowning because she didn''t want her picture taken.  Harper entertained herself by squirting everybody with the water guns.
Parker re-opened the treehouse today, cleaned it up and somehow managed to move the desk up there by himself. 

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