Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rielee's chicks

Papa and the girls hauled some brush for me today and then went on a long lawn mower ride around the neighborhood. The girls were whooping and hollering like they were on a wild carnival ride when they first went fast down the hill.
Since they were spending the night, we got to take them to the Rocket softball doubleheader this afternoon. They were so good there, first playing with Rielee until she left, then entertaining themselves by jumping off the bleachers and playing with rocks.
Rielee is a very proud and happy chicken farmer, she got 4 chicks today! She has only named 1 of them and her name is "Viper". Although she told me she wanted to keep them in a box beside her bed, they are actually living in a box in the garage, with a light and covered with wire so Buttons can't get to them.

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