Thursday, April 19, 2012


Papa said it was like they came right out of the hall as 1st year apprentices, the way they were ready to help him put together the TV wall mount, except for the arguing over whose turn it was to hold the level...
but the bonus was that they could use the box for coloring, we had to find a second box, of course.
Auna and Parker were over to visit this afternoon since they have early release. Ava and Harper were so happy to see them, and then Rielee came over to play, too, oh the joyous squeals of happiness. After much wrestling, tickling, chasing, coloring, and dancing, we managed to get them to stop for a second for a picture.
We had a funny thing happen tonight with Ava. While Auna was here she had started a Caillou video on Demand for them, and Ava must have been paying attention because when the video played through, she ran over and grabbed the remote and started it again. I asked her if Auna taught her how to do that and she said "yes". I was impressed. Well, after it played through again, she tried once more to start it over but she couldn't, so Harper gave it a try and she couldn't either, so back it went to Ava, at this point I am trying to get it away from them, but Ava kept saying "I can do it myself" (I dood it myself!), she's getting very frustrated over the darn thing not working for her and is studying those buttons and pushing them over and over, and then, all of a sudden, she has rented a movie!
Oops... we waited anxiously as it started hoping it might at least be something we could watch, but no, it was sci-fi "The 11th Hour".

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