Friday, April 13, 2012

Pottying for donuts

Something clicked today for Ava and Harper.
Yesterday I bought some mini-donuts to use as a potty reward. They tried going potty and I gave them one, and wow, Ava loved it and asked for another one, but I told her we were going to save them for tomorrow. This morning I reminded her and they both went and tried to go potty, no success, but I gave them a donut for trying. Again, Ava asked for another one, but I told her she had to go potty first. She jumped down and said she was going potty, marched right in there and did it! So Harper followed her and did it, too! Ava stayed dry all morning and even told me on her own once that she had to go and Harper had 3 successful trips, so we were thrilled. They even forgot about the reward after awhile, they were so proud of themselves. Closer to naptime, Ava was tired and didn't want to go so I gave her a piggyback ride, she loved it and so that was the mode of transportation to the bathroom after that.
The face of a happy donut loving potty-er
Rielee had early release today. She headed right over to Laury's to see if Sophie, Cathy's dog, was there yet since Auna was going to dogsit her this weekend. Sophie wasn't there but she threw the ball for Sam instead. Harper woke up and had lunch, then she and Rielee walked to Laury's to check out the dog situation and played with Sam again. After Ava woke up they all played outside. We made a hopscotch and the girls picked grape hyacinth by the handful to decorate it with. Rielee didn't do much hopscotching since her foot was still bothering her (she fell down while playing basketball yesterday), but she did a lot of flower picking. Cathy, Jillian and Sophie finally showed up and Rielee caught a ride over to Laury's with them. She will be a happy girl all weekend with Sophie around to play with.

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