Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Aquatic center

We thought it would be fun to take the kids to the N. Clackamas Aquatic Center on this rainy Spring break day. First we stopped at Shari's to have a sit down lunch. That was something, Papa entertained the kids with a story about how his Dad spanked him for kicking a football through a window (he had tried to outrun his Dad first), and also by teaching them marching songs. Parker ordered a french dip but didn't want the dip, Rielee had pancakes, bacon, grapes and a strawberry milkshake, and to our surprise, ate it all.
Unfortunately, the aquatic center was very full. But we managed to crowd our way into the wave pool and that was awesome. It would have been even more fun if we could have rented a tube, but they were out by the time we got there.
Both Rielee and Parker went off the diving board a bunch of times. Rielee kept saying she was going to do a somersault but it ended up looking like she was running through the air. She just couldn't figure it out. She really wanted to go down one of the water slides but Parker didn't want to wait in the long line, so I took her. Fun for her, I found that I still hate water slides.
On the way home we stopped in LaCenter to get something to drink, I stayed in the car and what a surprise--the kids came out with junk food and Papa got coffee and Zingers, he said it was okay because they were on vacation.

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