Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flower arranging

The girls stayed in their beds about half of the night, not too bad for their first try.  When we put them down for naps today we wondered if they would even stay in their beds, but they didn't get up once, they didn't sleep either, but they stayed in them.  Just a lot of talking going on, then I would hear them kicking in unison,  then Ava bonked her head on the side of the bed while she was squirreling around...that kind of stuff. 
Rielee had early release and she was helpful in getting them to go potty this afternoon.  She would either go first so they would follow her, or she would sit and read books to them.  They had the best afternoon yet, both stayed dry.  We even  took the potty chair out to the play fort while they played, just in case one of them needed it, and I was surprised when Harper actually used it.
Some cuddle time in Harper's bed
Rielee gave the twins some pointers on flower arranging. 

Ava looking so proud of her little arrangement

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