Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday part 2

 Rielee was thrilled when the Dolans invited her to go for a hike down to the creek on their new section of trail.  Parker and I went down later to check it out for ourselves and  to see how things were going.  We could hear Rielee yelling at Sam as she threw sticks for him way before we could see her.  She and Auna were both in the creek with the dog, boots full of water and having a great time.
Parker was first to go across the bridge like this( he is the picture below), like Bond, he said, and then Auna did it..  Rielee thought she could probably do it, too, if we would only let her try.
It was the perfect warm April night to be down by or in the water, and Auna even found me a couple of agates. 

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