Saturday, April 21, 2012

Emmy's spring volleyball

We went to the U of Portland this morning to watch Emmy's team play spring volleyball, Parker is spending the weekend so he was with us. Auna and Laury were there, too. CWU won 2 sets vs. Central S. Idaho and split with Montana State. We left there and grabbed some lunch and then dropped off Luke's birthday card since we had missed his party last night. Luke is 11 today. We decided to head for home to cut firewood, with a quick stop at the mall so Parker could buy himself an Air Jordan bag. As soon as we got home he and Papa got busy and cut down a tree, we worked until 7:30 getting all the brush hauled to the burn pile and the wood cut and stacked. After dinner, we had to go out and play a few games of basketball, Auna and I vs. Parker. For some reason they seem to get a lot of laughs out of my style of basketball.

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