Thursday, March 1, 2012

State Basketball

Macee, Kenzi and Maddie after their win over Onalaska! They were so excited. Tierney wasn't around for the picture, they looked for her and didn't want to take this one without her either. They are playing Okanogan tomorrow night in the semi-finals.
Emmy came down from Ellensburg to watch the game with us. Rielee and I met her at Target. Em was excited to try on some clothes since she hadn't been shopping for awhile. She found a dress and cardigan she liked and Rielee found a skirt and top. We went out to eat at a seafood restaurant, Em and I shared coconut prawns while Rielee opted for nothing since she hates seafood, being stubborn-she wouldn't even eat a hamburger and pretended to cower in the corner so she didn't have to smell our prawns. Emmy's phone kept her happy while we ate. We had our usual interesting time trying to navigate around Yakima...but managed with only one little glitch, well, two actually, but never had to get out the GPS.

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