Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cat In The Hat

Today was Dr. Suess day at Rielee's school. She wanted to dress up for it, so we modified Macee's old black cat costume by adding a white belly, hat, gloves and bow and she was set. She looked pretty cute as did the other kids coming in dressed as the many different Suess characters or with wacky hair.
We had a fun day with Ava and Harper. They slept in until 9:30, waking up in very good moods. During bath time, Harper noticed an owee on her ankle, for which she had to immediately end her bath and get a big band-aid. Between that and her hurt toenail, she was limping around a lot.
Papa invented a new game to play with them today, where he holds the balls up high, counts down,
then drops the ball and it bounces off their tummies.
We wondered if they would take a nap since they had slept so late, but Harper fell asleep right away. Ava laid down with Papa, he fell asleep but she never did, but she rested quietly the whole time.
They went out and helped Papa load up the wheelbarrow with firewood just before we took them back to Kelly. They love helping, but only clean wood, no dirty pieces, don't want to touch those.

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