Friday, February 10, 2012

Bed Heads

Oh, this curly hair can be so darned cute, but the bed heads they get after their nap sure aren't! It becomes a matted, messy mess, that requires having to completely wet their hair down and spray it liberally with detangler, and then combing it out and letting it curl back into nice ringlets. A process that they don't really like much at all. But today I bribed them with cookies so they would sit

together for me and let me take their before and after pictures.

Waiting in the car for Dad

Papa loves his play time in the car with the girls, he always leaves a little early to meet Charb so they have plenty of this quality time together. He gets such a kick out of them pretending to drive and playing with all the knobs, mirrors, lights. He will tease them that every passing truck driver is "Papa Mike" or "Grandma Barb" or "Dad, Mom, Lexi or Luke". They yell and say "NO Papa, no it's not!" Their sense of humor is really getting good, and they will point out people and say the same thing.

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