Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Parker is 12!

I got to share my upcoming birthday at a party with Parker tonight, he is 12 today. He is growing up so fast! He is a fun and caring guy, and has developed a great sense of humor. It was a wonderful party, lots of the family came and we both got lots of nice gifts. Cathy made up a trivia game about me and things that happened or the cost of different items in 1952 or in '68 when I was 16, that was interesting. I made up a game mostly about Parker, some of the answers he gave were questioned by Gabe and Des, especially the one where he answered that his favorite meal was "frozen pizza".

The other fun thing that happened today was how Ava mastered winking. Harper is working on it and can kind of do it but it's more of a squint. Ava was getting very frustrated with her and kept telling her "one eye, Harper, one eye!

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