Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhogs Day

The best thing about having a birthday party the night before your birthday is that you can have leftover cake

as a morning snack, which Ava, Harper and I did this morning. Harper ate every bite of hers but Ava only ate the frosting. We had a great day with the girls. As we were taking them back to meet Grandma Barb and Great Grandma, Harper spotted her moon out the car window, then Ava saw her clouds, with much happy squealing. Papa got the grass to call his, and I have the trees.
On the way back from LaCenter, we stopped in Kelso to watch James' team play at Huntington. It was a close game but they lost. It was fun to see James' playing, he had a couple of nice assists.

Then we went to the CR girls game, we sat down and I glanced at the program and then Laury sat down behind me and she tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and she was pointing at something in the program and she says "did you see this?"
And this is what I read:

I was mortified, I had not noticed that in the program and I am thinking everybody in the stands was reading it and they were all going to stand up and sing to me!! Oh my gosh! They let me stew and fret for a little while and then Laury said "actually, that is the only program that has that in it..." This is how my siblings treat me, well, actually it was a payback from Cathy's 60th birthday lunch where I planned for all of us to wear t-shirts that said "Cathy is 60!" to surprise her.

That was 12 years ago.

She didn't forget it.

Then I look over at Cathy, who is sitting right next to me, and she is wearing this:

But this was mild compared to the original plan they had cooked up for me. They were all going to wear shirts with 1 letter on them, then, at halftime they were going to line up down on the court and spell out "Aunt is 60!" and then have the announcer say something also. Thankfully my nice sister Laury talked them out of that, since I would have probably been scarred for life by that much attention.

Both the girls and boys teams won beat Ilwaco, that was great.

And, all in all, it was a great 60th Groundhog's Day for me!

I love my family!

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