Monday, February 27, 2012

Kids say the darndest things

We were sitting at the table this afternoon, the girls were playing with Play-Doh while I sewed. They got in a little tiff over a cookie cutter or something, and Harper says "fa Dod sakes, Ava!" That got my attention, it was all I could do not to laugh, but I told her it wasn't nice to say that. She looked at Ava, obviously still upset with her, looked at me and said "fa Dod sakes, Dod sakes, Dod sakes" just as fast as she could get it out.
Okay, so, done with Play-Doh, time for a snack.
I texted Kelly to share this little tidbit with her and she immediately called me, laughing. She had read the text, then said to Lexi and Luke that she wondered where Harper had heard that expression, they informed her that she had just said it this morning!
We got a good laugh out of that.

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