Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The girls spent the night while Mom, Dad, Luke and Lexi went to the Blazers game. They were tired girls before bed. This morning Ava got up happy and went right to their little kitchen and started "cooking", but when Papa went in to wake up Harper so she could eat breakfast with Rielee, Harper said "no" and rolled over and went back to sleep. Then when she did get up she was out of sorts, usually it is the other way around, Harper is the happy waker and Ava wakes up slowly. I tried putting them down together for a nap today to see what they would do. I had to go in several times and tell them to stop talking, they would grin, then roll over real quick and hide their faces. Finally Papa went in and laid down between them and they all went right to sleep.
We met Barb and Mike at 4:00, and the girl's excited reaction to seeing Papa Mike was hilarious-it's like he's a rock star! So funny!
We then went to Elma to watch the Rocket boys in a district play-in game, they led the whole game until the last 10 seconds, then fell behind by 1 point, and with less than a second left, Cale inbounded to Will and he scored at the buzzer! Wow, exciting game! So proud of them!

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