Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Barry's visit/Macee's broken leg

Barry came over to visit today on his way back to Arizona. He parked his motor home at Alan's for the night so he could do some extended visiting. Ava and Harper and I were out for a walk and visited with him first at Alan and Vera's. The girls were able to pretty much ignore Barry over there while Alan kept them busy playing with toy footballs. When he visited at our house though, they were very nervous and stayed glued on my lap until Auna, Parker and Rielee came in after school, then they got down and played and he got to see them in action. Auna and Parker had some pudding with whipped cream, and Papa gave the twins a little taste, of course they loved it and wanted more. Barry suggested that giving them shaving cream tomorrow when they wanted whipped cream would put an end to them begging for that!

Macee went to the dr. today and unfortunately, has a broken fibula, the result of a sliding into 2nd base in yesterday's game. She'll be getting a cast on Thursday.

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