Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Outdoor girls

Boy, these girls are loving being able to play outside. It was beautiful out but still chilly when we went for a walk around the neighborhood. Harper wanted to look for the cows. We found them and they were sitting near the fence so both girls went right up and started talking but when the cows got up and came closer, the girls turned and ran away fast! Harper was shaking she was so scared. They played on the big swing, little swings, teeter totter and then we noticed Alan and Vera were home so we visited with them, checked out their pond and got a tour of their newly remodeled kitchen. When it was time to go back in our house, the girls wanted no part of that, so I brought some toys out on the deck and got them a snack and they played for a long time out there. Right after I took this picture, Ava took her phone and put in a call to Papa Mike, the only person she ever calls.

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