Thursday, March 29, 2012

Macee's cast

We went over to visit Macee after she got her cast today, she has to have it on for a month, then will be in a walking boot. Such crummy timing, right before her Spring break vacation. One good thing, it has a waterproof liner so she can shower and go in the pool.
These rainy, inside days are making the twins more creative in finding ways to entertain themselves. They started drumming on this stool that was in the bedroom, so I brought it out in the living room and they played with it all day, taking turns drumming and singing.
Papa showed them how to open an avocado and then tried to get them to try a bite, but they would only try licking it off their fingers. Harper made a pretend one out of Play-doh later and tried licking that, too, she didn't like it either.

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