Monday, March 5, 2012


They found a kitty they could actually pet out at the little picnic table at Laury's when we went for a walk today. They took right off through the woods, just like we did last week, talking to each other the whole way, taking turns being the leader. Had to splash around in the stream on the way there and back. When we got back we stopped to sit in the sun and I gave them each my camera to take a picture.
Harper had a little trouble figuring out where to aim, but actually I really like this picture of Ava and I.
Ava got both Harper and I in the picture, but it was an accident since she was holding the camera up to her forehead.
By the time we got to the swings, Ava had wet her pants (she wanted to work on potty training today)and boots, but she didn't want to go in and get changed until she got to swing for a couple minutes. Watching her walk gingerly to the swing with wet pants and boots on was pretty darned funny. Papa took them back out again while I went to get Rielee for piano.

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