Friday, March 9, 2012

Dress up with Jillian

Ava and Jillian
We went to visit to at Cathy's this morning so we could give Jillian her birthday presents. Jillian took the girls in the playroom to play dress-up and it wasn't long before she brought Ava out all dressed up. Ava wore wig and all the whole time we were there. Harper kept busy at the play kitchen and with Jillian and Bridget's babies. The girls were very ready for a nap when we got back home, having been awake since Papa picked them up at 6:15.
After their nap and lunch, they were ready to head out and play. Harper wanted to swing but when we got there she went to the playfort and said she could climb it herself. And she did, even with the missing 2nd step. She really had to muscle it but succeeded and was so proud of herself, jumping up and down and yelling "I did it, I did it!" Ava tried but she wasn't all that interested since she still gets a little nervous up there.
Every day now it they'll each say "me do'd it" meaning "I'll do it" to something new. We keep hoping soon it will pertain to the potty chair...
On our walk they found some crocuses in bloom and picked all of them, then brought them in and arranged them in small vases, they got a kick out of that.

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