Saturday, September 4, 2010

Twins overnight

Ava and Harper came up this early morning to spend the night with us. They got here just in time to go the the Mark Morris Volleyball Jamboree with us (where the Rockets won all their games). They were very good there and kept happy by the goldfish crackers Aunt Des was feeding them.
Harper making a phone call, looks like a serious one
Parker came home with us to be our helper for the day, and then Auna showed up to help also. They took the girls on several stroller and car rides. I made spaghetti for dinner, which the twins love, and also green beans and garlic bread, they loved those, too. I also got to change a total of 6 messy diapers, seems the girls are over their constipation due to the prune juice their other Grandma gave them yesterday morning...

After dinner, Parker and Auna wanted to go to the Riverfront Trail to ride scooters and skateboard. Charb and Kelly had left the double stroller so we used it. Then they decided we were going all around town, with a stop for ice cream cones and to say hi to Penny at the shop. All was well until my feet and shins started to ache on the way back and I realized I had forgotten to put on my tennis shoes and had my flipflops on...good grief, taking twins anywhere is so difficult sometimes, it's a wonder I had anything on my feet.
Ava is really trying to walk now, if she is standing she will walk as far as she can first, then drop and crawl when she loses her balance. Harper is a climber, she will try to climb on everything, but her favorite is her Dad's old little rocking chair, she climbs up, turns around, sits down, slides off, repeats and repeats until she gets tired and hooks her leg on the side and partly falls off. If Ava gets anywhere near it, she will shove her aside and get on it herself. Funny to watch them.

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