Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Ava really relaxes in her carseat...
These are the happy faces I see when I offer the girls a cookie, they love vanilla wafers.

Once again the twins started the day off early, so we were trying to nap them early when Alan came over to visit this morning. They protested the naps so we gave up and took them for a ride in their cars over to visit Uncle Alan in his shop. Ava would have loved to be set free in there with so much good stuff to explore. Alan also took the the girls and us out to see all the planes he has in his motorhome. After the car ride, we decided to take a real car ride and go into Longview so I could look for a couple of jackets for them at Kid's Resale. Laury has credit there she is sharing with me, and I was lucky to find them both a nice warm coat. The girls fell asleep on the way to town so we brought them home and they slept in their carseats until lunchtime, Papa thought it was so cute the way Ava always has one leg up and over the side when she sleeps in it.

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