Tuesday, September 7, 2010

School starts

CR started school today so we headed over to take a picture of Parker and Macee, Rielee wanted to be in the picture, too.
Then Auna came over to our house to see the twins and let us take her picture, and Rielee's again, too.

Papa's music lesson with Ava and Harper.
It sure was a long quiet day in the neighborhood with the kids in school. We missed all our helpers, and our day seemed very, very long without them. Auna stopped by after school and the twins let out a yell when they saw her, Ava even said "hi", I don't know who was happier to see her, us or them. Harper was a little out of sorts today with another tooth coming through. Ava is very serious about walking now and took about 20 steps to Auna. Harper got her mojo back today and started walking some, too, she took a break from walking this weekend.

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