Friday, September 17, 2010

Jillian's visit

Cathy brought Jillian up to visit today. Jillian surprised her Grannie by quietly playing as she looked around at everything, as she is usually quite a chatterbox. Ava and Harper were very happy to see her. There was a meltdown though when they left because Aunt Cathy said "bye-bye" and the twins started waving--but they thought they were going, too. Anymore, we are careful to spell and not to say any of the following words: bye, go, going, out, outside, and we don't put on shoes or a jacket in front of them either. We have to sneak out quietly, if they hear anything that lets them know you are going outside, they are heading for the door and if they can't go along, then it is tantrum time. They will scream, cry, lay their heads down on the floor face down, inconsolable. So we try to avoid triggering this reaction.
We met Charb at Costco with them, Rielee went with us since she was riding up to the volleyball match in Stevenson with them. Rielee sat in the backseat between Ava and Harper and they were excited to have someone back there with them. It was a noisy trip though because if she wasn't looking at them or talking to them, they would squeal at her to get her attention. We finally put on some kid music and they all quieted down listening to it.

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