Friday, September 24, 2010

A full day of kids

David and Laury showing Max to Ava and Harper this morning. We had the twins until noon today, then we took them to see their other Grandma and Papa in Vancouver. Harper is walking all the time now and Ava is really picking up her speed.
Auna came over this afternoon to show me her new hair cut, she got bangs, I thought she looked so cute!

Rielee and Parker spent the night with us while Des and Gabe went to work at the Amphitheater (to raise funds for Macee's Senior class party). Auna and Rielee made sugar cookies, then I thought Rielee was playing on the Disney website but she had switched over to Starfall. She gets tired of it periodically but keeps going back to it. After dinner she wanted to play with the dominoes, but just to build stuff not play a game.

After Parker got home from football practice and we had dinner, Parker and Papa went out to the shop to work on Parker's lawnmower. He had mowed over one of the big springs from the trampoline and it was stuck in the blades. After that job was finished, he settled in with Madden on the Playstation.

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