Sunday, September 5, 2010

6:30 wake up

Harper wearing Rielee's sunglasses
Ava and Harper slept from 9 to 6:30 this morning. Harper was in a pretty good mood and wanted to climb into this little basket like she does the laundry basket, but once she was in it, she realized it wasn't very comfortable. Ava was still tired and a little grumpy so after they had breakfast they went back to bed for a little while.

Ava kissing a dog picture in the book, they both love dogs and say "woof woof" now.
Auna and Rielee came over to play with the twins, Uncles Alan and David and Aunt Laury came over also. The babies were so excited to look out the window and see Max and Sara out on the deck.
Charb and Kelly picked them up about 2:00, then the house got way too quiet.

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