Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shopping and a play

Parker and Auna's 4th grade class put on a play today "The Case of the Missing Paragraph", Parker played a Style Reserve Recruit (with his new haircut he fit the part perfectly),
and Auna played a Maid. They both did a good job, Auna sang solo a couple of times and has a really good voice. I think Auna enjoys being in plays a lot more than Parker, who it seems, would just as soon be in the back row of the chorus. It was really a cute play, funny and very educational at the same time. Their class has some good actors in it.
This morning I decided Rielee and I needed a "girl's day" shopping. Macy's had some Hello Kitty clothes on the sale rack so we went there to look for a dress for her to wear on her birthday, since she is having a Hello Kitty theme. After telling her life story to the sales clerk, she picked out several things to try on. She settled on a dress and also found a t-shirt that she liked, but she still wanted to look around some more. I noticed the swimsuits were also on sale and she found a cute pink and black zebra print that she loved because it had beads on it. It had a cut out circle in the back so I told her about it, but I think she misunderstood what I meant because she said "I don't care if it does have a hole in it Grandma, I still want it."

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