Monday, May 24, 2010

The Feisty Twins

Ava and Harper were in-I was going to say "rare" form today, but for them, it isn't really rare at all for them to be feisty and a little wild. They did sit still for a moment in the morning for a picture together. Ava was so sweet, I held her and slept along with her for her morning nap and as she was starting to wake up, she still had her eyes closed and started patty-caking, waking up with a big grin, what a happy baby.
Both of them got very upset today when Papa left for the softball game, crying and following him to the door, Ava even climbed up and stood at the closed door. Fortunately, Rielee was still there so we put them in the high chairs for a snack to distract them.
Alan came over in the afternoon and they were playing up a storm at their music table. I also gave them some pages out of a magazine and they really loved playing with those, although they kept trying to eat the paper.

The Rockets won today and get to go to State on Friday. The first game they won 15-0, Tierney hit a home run. Macee hit a double in the last game which they won 11-0.

I tried to get a cute picture of Jillian and Rielee at the game, but oops, forgot and asked them to smile, Jillian only cooperates when asked to "show her teeth"so this is the best picture I got. Rielee was really sneaky and tricked me by putting some pickle-flavored sunflower seeds, which she knows I hate, in my bag of plain seeds. Yuk.

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