Monday, May 3, 2010

9 month check-up

Ava headed right over to the stairs first thing this morning, showing me how fast she can crawl now. I was surprised by the increase in their crawling speed, and the way they slap their hands down on the floor as they go.
Harper was right behind her, it is like there's a giant magnet attracting them there.

I took them back to the family room, then went to clean up their high chairs, turned around and they were headed right back to the stairs. Where is the gate, Dad?! He put the one at the top of the stairs but figured they were still slow enough he didn't have to worry about the bottom one yet, I really have to disagree...

They sit face-to-face in their highchairs at home. I was feeding them yogurt and some little Munch 'Em cracker snacks that were the "Vegie Dip" flavor, which they just loved.
They had their 9 month check-up today- Ava is 2'2" tall, 17 lbs. 10 oz., Harper is 2'3.5" tall and 17 lbs. 1 oz. They are very healthy, and the dr. said Harper is ready to break through with some teeth very soon by the look of her gums. She was making the funniest faces today-what her Dad calls her "Walter Matthau" faces. Had a tough time with Ava and her nap today, she was not about to stay in her crib. 3 times I rocked her to sleep and then put her down and she would wake right up, screaming like only she can scream, hanging on to the bars on the crib, very pathetic, I couldn't stand it, and didn't want Harper to wake up either. Oh well, we will have to work on that another day.

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