Saturday, May 8, 2010

last JV game

The JV ended their season with a win against Montesano. Macee will play post-season with the varsity team now. After the game, Papa took Norma, Parker, and Elena (the exchange student from Poland) to Longview to do some Mother's Day shopping. It was very traumatic for Norma when her debit card was refused at Fred Meyer, so they went right over to the credit union to straighten out the problem (all her money was in savings, not checking).
Parker came over later to spend the night, and he and I went to the the mall. We found some bargains at Macy's, and since he was so patient while I looked around, we went to Panda for orange chicken to take home for dinner. We also stopped at Safeway for a couple of pints of our favorite pineapple-coconut ice cream for dessert.
Auna came over to spend the night, too, and after a lot of begging to go to Ironman 2, "No way" from me, "No way" from Emmy, at 9:30? too late... they settled on a trip to BK for crowns to decorate. Parker's ended up saying "PK loves BK".

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