Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Make-over day

Rielee is such a girly girl, loving all girly things, especially her"make-overs" as she calls them, but where she just puts on make-up. Today she let me fix her hair, which is rare, this is something she always wants to do herself. I told her I'd fix it like Tierney always said she wanted her hair when she was little- "some up, some down" and she thought that was okay. Then she decided she wanted to make-over me, with piggie-tails, oh boy, I sure was hoping nobody stopped by while this was happening.
Then, after putting every shade of eyeshadow on me, powder, blush, and lipstick, and flattening my bangs like she wanted hers (just like Jillian's, she said) she said "Grandma, you look so cute!"

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