Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Norma's Senior Presentation

Papa was honored to be asked to attend Norma's Senior Presentation today. He said she did a great job and got high praise from everyone there. The Seniors must give a power-point pres. on what they have achieved during their high school years and what they intend to do in the future. Norma wants to go to college to be a veternarian like her Mother, but she must first pass a test in the fall to get into that program, if she doesn't pass that, then she will study to be an attorney.
We had Rielee to ourselves today since the babies went with their other grandparents. She brought over a couple of books to show me how well she could read them. I suggested she should take one to school and read it to her class, but she didn't think she could do that, so we decided she should perhaps "practice" reading it to Papa and I, like we were the class. It certainly gave us some insight to what "story-time" is like at Enter-K. She had both of us sit on the floor while she sat in her chair. Although we were listening carefully and being quiet, Papa coughed once, and Rielee quickly threatened to put him in the "red" chair if he didn't "zip, velcro, or button" his lips! He had to choose which method he would use right away, too. She referred to him as "student with the white shirt"-and it was obvious that she pays close attention to everything the teacher does! Before she was done, she had a chair on either side of her, in case one of us acted up... She did a great job of reading the book and showing each page, I am curious to see if she will take the book to school. I have a feeling that she has more fun reading to her "students" here at Grandma and Papa's though.

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