Friday, May 14, 2010

No swimming today

We tried the twins in their pool today, but mostly they were overwhelmed by it all, being outside with few clothes on, the grass, the big (to them) green pool of water...
Papa put Ava in, but she wasn't liking it one bit. So, after all the preparation (lots of sunblock) to go outside in the sun in their swimsuits and hats, they were probably out there all of 3 minutes, next time we'll have Rielee there to play with them.

The happiest they were all day was when we took them for a stroller ride. Papa decided to just leave Ava in hers for awhile once we got inside, she was so content.

Later in the evening, we went to watch Auna play ball. She played 3rd base, right and center field, and shortstop and did a good job at each position. She was walked, stole 2nd and 3rd base and then scored a run.

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