Monday, November 21, 2011

Lexi's volleyball

These punchballs were the most played-with toy for today. They wanted their names on them and happy and sad faces, too. Ava also has a pantleg full of stickers, we find stickers on everything these days. Papa took the girls and met Charb and Kelly at Lexi's volleyball game in Camas this afternoon while I picked up Riels and took her to piano. He said they are always so good when he gets them out of the car and they walk with him like big girls.

Luke and Ava

Lexi found out today that she made the Cowlitz 14's Blue team. Auna is on 14's Red and Macee and Tierney are on 18's Black. We will have lots of club volleyball to watch.

Auna came over later to watch the last night of Dancing with the Stars with us. She was excited because they are going to look at a puppy tomorrow.

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