Monday, November 14, 2011


Charb brought Ava and Harper up this morning while he went out elk hunting with his Dad. They got an elk early in the morning and he was back to pick up the girls about 1:30. Rielee has early release this week and was disappointed that the girls were napping when she got here, and then they had to leave before she could play with them. Papa let the girls sit at the counter and have their apple snack. They had been taking food orders on their little tablets before that.

Rielee asked if she could get the easel out and do some painting. I said okay since the twins weren't there (I am not ready for them to start painting quite yet). She pretended to be the art teacher and showed me how to paint a flower. She has missed doing crafts, so she made a turkey out of her cut-out handprints and she also found some animal coloring pages on-line that we printed out for her to color. She seems to be wall-papering the playroom with those.

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